Action Humanitaire Kurdistan - Fédération Léo Lagrange - Fondation Danielle Mitterand - PAO
In April 2021, for three weeks, I collaborated with Arya Jemo on documenting Action Humanitaire Kurdistan’s work in Iraqi Kurdistan.
Through online crowdfunding, Arya raises funds in Europe and collaborates with NGOs on the ground to cater to each target population’s specific needs.
Thanks to this, I worked with Fédération Léo Lagrange, PAO, and Fondation Danielle Mitterand.
Support targeted mostly Kurds and Yazidis in need, overwhelmingly housed in refugee camps.
Whether they are survivors of the Islamic State’s brutal rule or Syria’s brutal war, it was of utmost importance to facilitate access to physical and mental health, education, and basic food packages, to those most in need.
My goal within this was to record the project’s results and the partner NGO’s actions. Through photographs, interviews and videos, I tried to give a voice to the people in need. We also extracted individual sorties, while collecting information which was essential to ensure a positive outcome.
More than just documenting, it was essential to give a voice to the beneficiaries.